Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Quote by Maria Montessori

Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.” --Maria Montessori

Patty Smith Hill

Patty Smith Hill...A Pioneer in education, founder of NAEYC and member of the Kappa Delta Pi the International Honor Society in Education which is the organization I was inducted into this year!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Personal Childhood Web

This is my big brother and my mother.  They have had the biggest impact on my life and I love them very much.  I am the youngest of three children and I must honestly say that sometimes it seems as if I am the oldest.  My mother was such a strong role model for me that I am now a very strong person.  Her determination and zeal are traits that I quicky learned and have carried on in my life and passed on to my children.  My brother has taught me so many things that I carry with me today.  He has taught me what to do and what not to do.  Although his decisions weren't always the best, he constantly encouraged me to make better decisions than what he had made.  I love both of them because through the good times and the bad times, we have always stuck together. 

This is my father.  I didn't meet my father until I was about 12 years old because my parents separated when I was a baby.  I include him in my Early Childhood Web because although he wasn't physically with me, I remember longing to meet my father as a child.  My mother and aunt would tell us stories about him and laugh at the memories because he has such a funny sense of humor.  I also realize now looking back that I have many of his character traits which are his laugh, his sense of humor and work ethics.  I love my father and yes, I am still "Daddy's Little Girl"!
This picture is of my Mom, big sister, grandma, grandpa, myself and my brother.  My big sister is simply the best.  She impacted my life by always being a trailblazer.  She showed me how to set goals and run until I met them.  My grandmother was my ROCK!  She saw things in me early on in my life that I didn't see in myself.  She was such a wonderful person and loved me unconditional.  My grandfather was the one who spoiled me.  He knew that I was a child who was very conscience of right and wrong and he always encouraged me never to change.  He protected me and always talked to me about his childhood and the history of our family.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Blogging...I Think

Welcome to my Blog Page!  My name is Berdetta Clark and I am really excited about exploring a new way of communicating with fellow classmates, friends and family.  I hope the information I publish will be helpful in developing kids for "Kingdom Living"!  Enjoy!