I am so excited about website I have found which contains many different resources on both National and Federal levels.
The Children's Bureau is an contains eleven different Children's Resource Centers
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is a division of the Department of Health & Human Services. We promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals and communities (Administration for Children and Families, n.d.).
Since Kingdom Kids Child Development and Youth Activity Center will serve families in low income areas, these resources will be vitally important. Here are a couple of Resource Centers available to help us serve our families:
National Resource Center for Youth Development - Provides states with CFSR assistance, including promoting stakeholder involvement, T&TA, and information services, and offers states, tribes, and other youth-serving organizations assistance in effectively implementing the Chafee Foster Care Independence and Education and Training Voucher programs, and supporting youth engagement in child welfare policy, planning, and program development.
National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational Improvement - Offers technical assistance, training, teleconferences and publications to assist states with CFSRs, including strategic planning, quality improvement, evaluating outcomes, facilitating stakeholder involvement, and improving training and workforce development.
As with most Children's agencies; these bureaus are always in need of sponsors and volunteers in various capacities. Paid employment opportunities include social workers that will be assigned families to assist with various services offered and counselors to provide counseling to children and their families as needed.
Children's Bureau. (n.d.). Children's Bureau Administration for Children and Families. Retrieved May 31, 2014 from http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cb
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